One of the coolest items I’ve ever picked up at a @MyVMUG event. Going to have to figure out how to display this…0B

#NashvilleUserCon Horizon Cloud Services, getting a 1:1 presentation.

Guess I can’t call it vRNI any
Hey @NashvilleVMUG, good crowd for the Horizon EUC hands on lab at today’s #NashvilleUserCon, but surely we’ve…Yw
@BradTompkins_ @NashvilleVMUG @MyVMUG Come to think of it, didn’t @mattheldstab break a finger at a vVollyball or…8w

ESA - Single tier of storage devices. Leverage your high performance storage devices.
Number 8, vSAN 8. Express storage architecture…
Number 7, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.0
Number 6, Cloud Consumption Interface
Number 5, vSphere+
Number 4, DRS improvements
Number 3, Lifecycle Management #ByeVUM
Number 2, AI/ML #MoreGPU #IncreasedMaximums

DPU with ESXi, providing a distributed control plane, architecture beyond ESXi VM hosts.
Number 1, vSphere on DPU.
Food + conversations with fellow @MyVMUG members to started lunch. Now on to 8 on 8, vSphere innovations. #NashvilleUserCon
Currently @mikerenfro tolerates me picking up physical tools around computers, wonder what happens if I grab a compiler.
DevOps for Infrastructure Admins starting now #NashvilleUserCon @MyVMUG with Matt Emerson.

MyVMUG Play your favorite retro game and get your picture taken at the #VMUG #NashvilleUserCon! @NashvilleVMUG
Maybe should have gotten the new phone and those extra pixels before #NashvilleUserCon with @NashvilleVMUG.…IT
Um..@NashvilleVMUGU@BradTompkins_s_ “Joi@MyVMUGUG, break a leg” may need to work on this sales pitch a bit.

Settling into “What VMUG Means to Me | Leader Panel” at @NashvilleVMUG @MyVMUG #NashvilleUserCon