Hey @thinkgeek, any chance of continuing The Girl Effect donations once the Mary Shelley shirts are back in stock?
@nicolibrarian I don’t know leaving out the chainsaws is a pretty big disservice to the world too…. :D
@maxey2005 well as long as the sun wasn’t out in the middle of that, it has the possibility of a short day, guessing this isn’t your case.
jewelia .@jewelia + @wordium’s idea o’ day: sys where u could text someone’s cable box & words show up in huge comic sans font on tv screen
RT @merrierm: #MSRSocPapers is going to take a September hiatus… <— Maybe this means I can catch up on reading.
starting to fear for my unicorn, there’s talk of ponies and chainsaws… #gslisui
ParallelsMac Parallels will pay for next semester’s books of the “Parallels Student of the Year.” Will it be you? http://ow.ly/2xoMp
@mrwtn865 Let’s not go setting unrealistic expectations.
gslis The 6th International Digital Curation Conference deadline for poster submissions has been extended to 9/13: http://bit.ly/9i42Us #gslisui