@mrwtn865 @summerMistine “Hash browns for the soul” I’d buy that book! Well I’d probably buy any book written by @summerMistine.
@ZicklePop Yes updated to v6. Been a @ParallelsMac user since I got an Intel mac. @elbrownmcne, however, switched from Parallels to Fusion.
got a twitter reply from @OmniOutliner and a reply from the great @OmniGroup support ninjas (re: @OmniFocus), it’s a good @OmniGroup day!
Just suspended a vm in @ParallelsMac in middle of a Visual Studio 2008 install, resumed it and it picked right up where it left off. #cool
@brownorama sweet! Any idea on when the rest of us will be able to get our hands on a copy?
merrierm Abstracts for the women in machine learning workshop are due Oct 1. Student travel $ available. http://www.wimlworkshop….