smashingmag Inside Internet Explorer 9: Redmond gets back in the game -
@lgvelazco Guess I’ll give some thought to updating that on the next update, the previous page lasted 3 years, so that might be a while.
@lgvelazco I saw a bit about microdata afterwards, looking at the WHATWG draft now it looks more defined that whatever I was looking at then
@lgvelazco Trying to trick me into writing HTML5 are you?
revspaced Code Monkey not all that fond of Tab, to be honest, but Diet Cherry Vanilla Doctor Pepper didn’t scan #rockretractions
dear lazyweb, know of any self-hosting or service based link/bookmark manager? Don’t need/want social/community features. #fb
tracilawson The National STEM Video Game Challenge that Pres. Obama announced in Nov begins next month!
@mrwtn865 Wouldn’t waiting until it’s done be the opposite of pre-ordering? (cc: @SummerMistine)
@ZicklePop, thanks for the pointer to tweetnest!