Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

February 1st, 2011

@MattWillisDC think we’re on same page. Anything that’s code first is not right solution. I was thinking controlled table throw post review.

via web in reply to MattWillisDC

PARCinc The GOOD, BAD, & UGLY of digital dist; evolving networks: #PARCForum this Thurs (watch online

via web (retweeted on 1:40 PM, Feb 1st, 2011 via web)

@MattWillisDC wouldn’t this be the solution to non-normallized data?

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CACMmag Microsoft’s new TC Labs gives developers access to pre-beta releases of the company’s Technical Computing software.

via web (retweeted on 11:22 AM, Feb 1st, 2011 via web)

jopas Funny tagline by @uxhell: “Grin and bear it. Then punch a wireframe in the face.”

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 12:39 AM, Feb 1st, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

I also think about the number of folks in and around @TTU_CSC that are probably up working right now. #emailsyncnow

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always wondered about timeliness of payment for bills with postage paid envelopes, envelopes without postage, and no envelope. #studytofund

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had a short Internet hiccup, my out loud reaction: “where’d the Internet go?” Now it is back :D #fb

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@PARCinc Love the idea of content-naming playing a larger role, but the WSJ title is mis-leading, we’re running out of IP addrs, not URLs.

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