at point they’re looking at media to compress it does @VerizonWireless lose it’s exemption on liability for distribution of illegal content?
been a reasonably happy @VerizonWireless customer for good while. This media compression news, however, has me very unhappy. #mydatamyrules
got a travel sewing kit tonight. One of the two buttons included was already broken. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come. #fb
Ah! The glory days of programing, when C was a high-level programing language. #fb
mrlindner AutoReading: the ability to automagically replace AutoCorrected words with what was really meant/typed as we read. #transliterateme
PARCinc Now available to WATCH ONLINE: Good, Bad, Ugly of Digital Distribution & Evolving Network Architecture -
kristenpurcell @Pew_Internet + @GirlScouts hosting a webinar this Wed on teen soc media use, free + open to the public. Register at
TTU_ACM Computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog ~Doug Larson