Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

March 5th, 2011

@ZicklePop Does “podcast host” pay reasonably well? #benefits?#endoftermappointment

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@summerMistine Me too! Also happy about 1) new wiper blades that helped make it possible and 2) friends that care enough to check on me.

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Posting this entirely for @ZicklePop, figured he’d get a kick out of @twitter’s suggestions for me this evening.

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aleksk what is web science? @jahendler says it’s studying the engineering & instrumentation of the WWW + the emergent social effects #webnetsci

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@maxey2005 Yay for you! :( for me…

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@jilleduffy that whole stereotype of @twitter, is so overhyped. I hardly get that type of stuff in my feed. Think you had a great reply!

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agpublic Brad Burnham: “The people who think about software & computers are different from those who think about software & people.” YES. #transpo

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FYI: singing along to John Mayer busting down doors to a 10 year reunion is way less empowering when reunion is months, not years away. #fb

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