Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

May 21st, 2014

SwiftOnSecurity Apple technology isn’t in Star Trek because they couldn’t integrate into existing Enterprise systems.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:02 PM, May 21st, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

Bantik The more difficult the problem is that you’re trying to solve, the more likely it is that your bugs will be caused by typos.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 5:09 PM, May 21st, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

Updating layers, modifying setup scripts, writing some , and building some desktops. This is otherwise known as a good day

via Twitter for iPhone

iShBuu That feel where you see yum in /etc/ and say “shit it’s RHEL based” why can’t we all just use debian….

via Echofon (retweeted on 12:45 PM, May 21st, 2014 via Twitter for iPhone)

@edswindelles well hopefully deployment goes well. We’re a FourWinds shop.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to edswindelles

@edswindelles so that was probably the least exciting possibility on my list of “what might he be doing.” What product you using?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to edswindelles