ProjectVRC The state of the #VDI and #SBC Union 2015 is available for download here: projectvrc.com/white-papers >> Great insights! pic.twitter.com/VnYd3M3D7P
Morgan_Kaufmann It’s #CyberSecurityMonth at @bluebottlebiz. Check out these free chapters on everything from #infosec to #hacking - bit.ly/1y1yi4T
nicolibrarian See how a community college math teacher helped her school stop paying for sub-standard math textbooks: oeconsortium.org/projects/impac…

WinBetaDotOrg Microsoft Research announces its 8-week Data Science Summer School for 2015 dlvr.it/95cBmP #Microsoft pic.twitter.com/QQQOgGMTqL
sadserver Local Sysadmin discovers one weird trick to take down all of production simultaneously!
group wisdom from lunch: “we’re not complicated, we’re information technology professionals”
ChrisWahl #PowerShell Free eBooks buff.ly/1FRZMQA <- Great resources here, even includes The DSC Book
For all I know I’m the last person to figure this out. Posting just in case I’m not.
If you’re looking for the @vmwarehorizon View 6.1 downloads, they’re under “Horizon 6”, not “Horizon (with View)” [location of 5.3 and 6.0]