@casey_dugan OUCH! :(
Results of brainstorming topic ideas for WEBD 4975 student presentations. http://twitpic.com/3p88ij
ZicklePop It’s time for Mozilla and Google to stop playing politics with my web browser. Let me play any video I want, as a user and a web designer.
@ZicklePop total nerd moment reading that, had to read it several times before I stopped reading “jar” as a Java jar file. :/
any browser vendor want to drop support for JPEG? #letshavesomerealfun #fb
Dear Apple, not only do I not need every app I install in the dock, I don’t need the app store in the dock! #uifail
@jopas Thanks! Both the article and the linked to resources look to be along the lines of what I needed.
So actual 3am thought this morning, “I need a big glass wall and a pad of super sticky post-it notes.” #yesitsrelatedtothecardsorting
Anyone have a reference for a card sorting introduction?
ryancarson For 24 hours only, we’ve made the entire ‘Responsive Web Design’ course free: http://cot.ag/eLK60U Please RT, thanks!
smashingmag We’re giving away 3 unique 2011 Typo Wall Calendars (http://bit.ly/dDYWJj) by @HaraldGeisler. To win one, just RT this msg!
PARCinc Data Exhaust: What We Know About Everything By What No One Tells Us @pkedrosky #PARCForum Thurs + will be livestreamed http://bit.ly/fv7uXy
@JeremyElrod @Pew_Internet’s Cell Phones and American adults: http://www.pewinternet.o…