Facebook Enables HTTPS So You Can Share Without Being Hijacked | Threat Level | Wired.com http://t.co/gvZ2vhJ
and there’s @twitter url shorting at all the wrong times for ya. :(
so I’m editing my CV, OpenOffice.org spellchecker flags my url http://t.co/RNb6yHQ as an error. 1st suggestion: underemployed. #fb
@danaferguson that was the problem we were having; was doing the heating thing a little too well & the project an image part not well enough
teaching thought as the semester gets underway: are you writing gradable assignments? #AcademicActionableItems.
week 2 of yelling at the book doesn’t change it. :/
projectors: not part of the self healing network.
MicrosoftPress “Today we are proud to release Sho publicly…an interactive environment for data analysis and scientific computing.” http://bit.ly/eJPFia
@CharterDylan Oh, guess you missed my message yesterday, doing fine. Thanks for checking!
CACMmag A smartphone app developed by students and faculty at the University of Kentucky is a guide to region’s public art. http://bit.ly/hysYBm