Jeremy Ey (@kayakerscout)

Cookeville, TN

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kayakerscout ever

January 24th, 2011

@ZicklePop I don’t know what’s up, normally I can fairly quickly work out what issue is. :( Tweeting away with success. #timeforsomerestarts

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sitting here in 38501, wondering if my Internet issues are my local network, @Charter, or something else entirely. :/

via Twitter for Mac

if I had power & knowledge, I think I’d go in @TTU_CSC_Support’s ticket system and add bug for each @twitter account now have without image.

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I just posted a link to my personal website on Facebook, where I’m friends with a large number of web designers. #mayneedmyheadexamined.

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@simplicitybliss Ya, using due dates now; end up taking passes over my list basically moving due dates around. #probneedlookatperspectives

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@apress epub ebooks anywhere on horizon? Have some your titles in PDF, for ereader would rather have epub. Maybe @brandon_rhodes’s new book?

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@OmniFocus I see, thanks. Does mostly what I need, not sure how well it would fit in my current info flow. :/

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“that’s why Chrome as an OS is a bad idea, one day someone will wrap the whole OS in a blink tag.”

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@OmniFocus Thanks, sounds good; stupid follow up question. How do I get to the Available list?

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Ok, probably a sign I’m doing it wrong, but anyone have suggestions for tracking “look at again on” dates in @OmniFocus?

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